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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash 5 players (reprise!), attn: John Dowdell
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 20:21:53 +0100

John Dowdell wrote:
> At 10:07 PM 7/29/0, flashy junior wrote:
> > I know it's a BETA but can't they separate the BETA from the
> > standard shockwave install & update procedures
> It is separate... if you go to the download center you'll see that 4.0r28
> is what most people currently get:
> http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/

In regards to the above, that link goes to a download page for Shockwave
and Flash which, as you say, doesn't have any reference to the Flash 5
beta player.

But the link for Flash alone (the one that gets published into Flash
files) is


which *does* have a link, right at the top, saying Get Macromedia Flash
5 Player Beta NOW! Shouldn't this link be removed (as JGL noted a
couple times today) until the bugs are removed from the Flash 5 player
so the unknowing public doesn't wonder why their Flash sites don't work
anymore? I thought the beta player was only supposed to be available in
an "alternates" directory. Am I mistaken in thinking that the page
above is one that the general public might be directed to?

Helen Triolo � http://i-Technica.com � 301-424-6037
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  RE: FLASH: Flash 5 players, JGL

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