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Subject: Re: FLASH: x-mas song copyright INFO
From: Brian
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:15:05 GMT

> With all due respect, if I liked your Joe Montana Flash piece and, let's
> say, used it on a client's website and thereby made money off it, and you
> sued me, would that make you a shark "looking to set precedents and make
> examples of people"? I think not.
> Artists have the right to determine how their art is used and who gets to
> profit from it, as well as the right to share in those profits. These
> rights vary from country to country, but there is pretty wide agreement
> that those rights do exist.
> There is far more theft of art that could ever be litigated; that doesn't
> make it okay to steal, nor does it make it any less right for copyright
> holders to choose to enforce their rights. The fact that there are sharks
> out there looking to profit from copyright infringement is another matter.
> I would like to think that most people on this list will respect
> not out of fear of "the sharks" but out of respect for the artists.

Creative people HAVE to be entitled to some kind of decent protection and
rights, or else they will never have any motivation to create and thus we
will never have anything to consume.

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: x-mas song copyright INFO, Erik [gearik] Mattheis

  RE: FLASH: x-mas song copyright, Kevin Jackson
  Re: FLASH: x-mas song copyright INFO, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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