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Subject: Flash How-to? FAQ.
From: Peerapat
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 08:25:37 GMT

Dear sir,

I'm a licensee of Shockwave Flash 2. And I'm having difficulties
creating some animation.
Here are my questions :

Map Navigation Animation
I have to create a web presentation on a map using Netscape Browser.
Where my client can click "Zoom In" to see the details of the map
endlessly, in order to view the minute details of my blueprint of the

1. I've design a set of animation in Flash. Size 640x480. Then I reduce
its size to 64x48
before exporting it to proportionally fit my other designs in a
Netscape browser.

I expect to see a reduced map on my browser, but it didn't turn out

the way I
expected. The map size still appear as 640x480 on my browser. And
no matter how
hard I tried to reduce its size in Flash before exporting, it still

appear in the browser at
its original size.

Please advice on how I can export a Flash-made animations onto a browser

at my specific size.

2. For the "Zoom In" function, is there a limit to the number of times
one want to zoom in
to view at any particular animations? For my case the maximum "Zoom
In" I can view
my animation is only 2-3 times, then it will not zoom in any
further. Instead the
animation shifted.

Thank you for you kind help and your promt reply is highly appreciated

Internet Info Network
Bangkok, Thailand.

  Re: Flash How-to? FAQ., Pintograph Web Services
  Re: Flash How-to? FAQ., John Croteau

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