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Subject: Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files
From: Marc Hoffman
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 18:46:31 GMT

At 05:34 AM 12/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>What is the best way to completely stop one audio loop and start another
>instantaneously? you know like toggle two sounds?
>Can you make an audio file into a movie clip and target it?
>All of this will be triggered by buttons, say three buttons, but I want
>button 'B'
>to turn off any audio that someone might have actived with button 'A' or
>'C' _and_ at the same time activate audio associated with button 'B'. and
>all the other possible variations.

You can embed the sounds in movie clips. I'm not sure about getting sounds
to start and stop instantly or to synchronize them with one another that
tightly. I've tried but haven't hit on a solution yet.

To get specific sounds to turn off, you'll need a frame action for each
sound, in which you specify the particular sound and then set Sync to
"Stop." Also have a stop action in each of the frames. So if you have three
sounds, you'll probably want a movie clip with four labeled frames that can
be targeted. The first would have an action to stop all sound. The second
would stop sound B, stop sound C, and start sound A. Third would stop A,
C, and start B. Etc. The controlling buttons would telltarget the MC to
go to one of those four frames. If you want a single controlling button
that adds sound layers incrementally, have it telltarget the MC to "go to
next frame." In this case, add a fifth frame to the MC that just says "Go
to frame 1," so the fourth click of the button turns the sound off and
cycles the MC back to frame 1.

If you try this please let us know how it works. What I have noticed is
that starting a sound in Flash often involves a slight lag time and,
sometimes, a tiny crackle as the sound kicks in. I haven't found a way to
make this sort of action seamless.

Marc Hoffman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com)
View my Flash3 work: <http://www.jps.net/dartfrog/sampler>.
Play a virtual marimba: <www.dartfrogmedia.com>.
Read about Flash: <http://www.jps.net/dartfrog/sampler/flashinf>

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  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Dave Hollinden
  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Erik [gearik] Mattheis

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