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Subject: Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files
From: Erik [gearik] Mattheis
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 20:27:53 GMT

>At 05:34 AM 12/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>What is the best way to completely stop one audio loop and start another
>>instantaneously? you know like toggle two sounds?

Perhaps a more streamlined solution if you only need one of those two
sounds looping

Create a two frame movie clip with each frame having one of the sounds set
to loop 9999 times, and a "stop" action in the first frame of course.

for your button or frame actions: just make sure you "stop all sounds"
before tell targeting the sound movie clip to go to the appropriate frame.

>You can embed the sounds in movie clips. I'm not sure about getting sounds
>to start and stop instantly or to synchronize them with one another that
>tightly. I've tried but haven't hit on a solution yet.
>To get specific sounds to turn off, you'll need a frame action for each
>sound, in which you specify the particular sound and then set Sync to
>"Stop." Also have a stop action in each of the frames. So if you have three
>sounds, you'll probably want a movie clip with four labeled frames that can
>be targeted. The first would have an action to stop all sound. The second
>would stop sound B, stop sound C, and start sound A. Third would stop A,
>C, and start B. Etc. The controlling buttons would telltarget the MC to
>go to one of those four frames. If you want a single controlling button
>that adds sound layers incrementally, have it telltarget the MC to "go to
>next frame." In this case, add a fifth frame to the MC that just says "Go
>to frame 1," so the fourth click of the button turns the sound off and
>cycles the MC back to frame 1.
>If you try this please let us know how it works. What I have noticed is
>that starting a sound in Flash often involves a slight lag time and,
>sometimes, a tiny crackle as the sound kicks in. I haven't found a way to
>make this sort of action seamless.
Erik [gearik] Mattheis

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  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Marc Hoffman

  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Marc Hoffman

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