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Subject: Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files
From: Erik [gearik] Mattheis
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 00:48:04 GMT

>At 02:28 PM 1/1/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>>At 05:34 AM 12/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>What is the best way to completely stop one audio loop and start another
>>>>instantaneously? you know like toggle two sounds?
>>Perhaps a more streamlined solution if you only need one of those two
>>sounds looping
>>Create a two frame movie clip with each frame having one of the sounds set
>>to loop 9999 times, and a "stop" action in the first frame of course.

>You'll also need a stop all sounds as the first action in each frame,
>otherwise the sounds will start on top of each other and you'll have
>garbage after a few clicks.

By a "stop" action, I mean just that, not "stop all sounds" - I suggested
the "stop all sounds" be in the same set of actions that would call the
frame in the movie clip with the loops, located above the target action to
the "sound" movie clip.

If the "stop" action is ommitted, you'll get a bunch of junk in a few frames.

This is how I acheived the fade out effect assosiated with the "beat off"
button at <http://www.gourmandizer.com/stuff/flash/newsite/lnav.html>
Erik [gearik] Mattheis

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  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Marc Hoffman

  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Erik [gearik] Mattheis
  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Marc Hoffman
  Re: FLASH: Movie Clips/Sound files, Marc Hoffman

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