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Subject: re: FLASH: IE4.5-Help
From: Wayne Townsend
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 02:57:56 GMT

>We feel very confident the new release will address this and other
>legacy issues and hopefully we can continue to focus on creating
>great sites and not working around browser issues.
>Eric J. Wittman
>Senior Product Manager, Flash


As one who has been very vocal regarding this problem, I'm delighted
to read your post. This has been a major thorn in out side and we've
had no recourse for our audience aside from "Download Netscape",
which is as you can imagine not always well received - by the clients

"Load Movie" is a key feature for advanced Flash and absolutely
essential for developing Flash *megasites*. We can't wait to be able
to release what we've developed using it.

I'm concerned though about the release date for IEMac 5. What would
you say is realistic?



Wayne Townsend
Founder, CEO
waynetataccesson [dot] net
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  re: FLASH: IE4.5-Help, Eric J. Wittman

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