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Subject: Re: FLASH: File size and music button ?
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 21:44:44 GMT

At 01:09 PM 1/11/00 , you wrote:
>I have a few beginner questions that perhaps someone can answer:
>1) I was wondering what is acceptable in terms of size for a flash page.
>Is there a certain size that you believe never going over?
>Is having an *.swf file over 200 or 300k acceptable or unacceptable? When
>making a flash page, do you make your pages for those with 56k modems or
>faster or do you consider the slower speeder modems as well?

Size is not really relevant. What matters is how fast the bytes are being
used by the movie. If your movie took two hours from beginning to end, and
only needed a couple of simple new graphics per minute, it would stream
smoothly at 28k (the standard for most designers) even though it would be a
huge file. If your movie has a new, 800x600 pixel bitmap every other frame
and runs at 10 fps, it will either need to preload most of the movie, or
will run in fits and starts. The smaller your overall movie size, the
easier it will be to manage the data flow and keep it low. But even very
large files can stream if designed well.

>3) When you have a button to stop the music from playing in the background
>(and to replay it by another click), how do you do the following:
>a) In the actions, is it primarily: press - > stop all sounds, press->
>b) I may have done it wrong but I made a stop/play music button (using the
>action above) and with a quick press it will work. But with a typical press
>it will go to the preloader and back to the next scene. I know I made a
>fubar somewhere, thus I hope someone can help me out.

see http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/toggle

>c) I'm trying to do a button, similar to this Hilary Tsui page at:

The only button I see is an animated .gif. If done in Flash, you'd just
create a movie clip of a spinning bitmap and plunk this movie clip into the
Up frame of the button (in symbol edit mode).

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media: Specializing in Flash Animation and Digital Audio
Our latest Flash job is on display at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/rickfrnd>
See our Flash portfolio at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  FLASH: Login/Password, Russell E. Unger
  FLASH: File size and music button ?, Dennis A. Amith [kndy]

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