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Subject: Re: FLASH: flash & your email program? Wayne you *!#$
From: Frederico
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 22:22:04 +0100

On 7/4/1999 2:28 PM, Wayne Townsend via waynetattopher [dot] net, among other
things, said:

>Hi folks,
>important test needed..

Important to bloody whom?!

Wayne, with all due respect, try your "important" friggin' tests on
people who are willing participants and get advance permission to do so.
Ferkrissakes, the ADMIN on this list has been very clear that attachments
aren't allowed and we jump anyone who even *accidently* sends one, and
here you are abusing everyone and thinking it's cute.

You could have easily asked for a group of volunteers with varied email
clients to test with, but somehow, in your amazing arrogance, you thought
you'd be a big hero or something for teaching us all how to be annoying.
Big news, no hero, try zero.

Be pleased with yourself, Wayne, your little stunt set off all the alarms
here, and I had to come into the office on a Sunday to deal with an
unknown MIME attachment from an unauthorized source.

If JC or Sam were to kick anyone off a list ever, you sure as hell
deserve it for this.

Happy freakin' 4th to you too, and may your computer die a fiery death
with no backups.


~ Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom
must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.~

-Thomas Paine

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  Re: FLASH: flash & your email program? W, Wayne Townsend

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