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Subject: Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Question
From: Frederico
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:28:03 +0100

On 7/12/1999 6:49 AM, Lyquidartataol [dot] com via Lyquidartataol [dot] com, said:

>..I presume you are asking, "If they have money, why the iMac?", yes? Well,
>..the answer is simple. Ease of use. Ten minutes, out of the box and on the

May I be the first to say, "huh?" How and why is that sick? Inquiring
English speakers want to know.

>10 minutes huh??? is that
>including the time to create an account or create a dun profile? uh ,,
>think not,,

Think again, young one. Average time out of the box and setup is under 7
minutes, if you already have a net account, entering the needed
information in the Internet Assistant that launches automatically on
first boot is a matter of just a few seconds more. Even without an
existing account, hooking up with the included Earthlink or AOL demos is
only a couple minutes worth, making the ten minutes still pretty close to
literal. I've installed several, and I'm not joking in the least.

Actual video of a child not much younder then you (seven) accomplishing
just this is available on request. [good-natured ribbing, video is real]

As for buidling your own, I agree, great value (not necessarily better)
can be had by selecting exactly what you want and configuring it
yourself. However, anyone interested in the iMac is generally interested
in it for the very reason they don't have to do anything but enjoy it.

Which leads us back to the original topic, is it worth designing for
Macs, iMacs or otherwise, and again I say politely and respectfully
'yes'. These folks want easy access to the Web for shopping and
entertainment, and there are more than enough of them to make it
worthwhile already, without considering the upcoming P1 (personal
portable), and the C2 (revised iMac or iMacPro), and the increased number
of Palm for MacOS users, a key reason why Apple stock went from the low
forties to the mid fifties last week, Wallstreet recognizing the
resurgance of the Mac consumer market, ergo the Mac-user Web presence
will increase accordingly.


~La Fortuna aiuta gli Audaci!~

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