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Subject: Re: FLASH: swf file stop playing
From: dartfrogmedia
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 18:31:17 +0100

At 02:11 PM 7/12/99 +0000, you wrote:
>I think you're right. I load the html on another faster computer, both swf
>are playing perfectly. However, if i use an animated gif in place of the swf
>file, it played all right. now 2 questions:
>i) Does it mean that the low end user will not able to see the swf file
>playing but a static image? (However, if i turn the 2nd swf file to
>autohigh, both played perfectly except some jaged text)

This is what autohigh is designed for, however many of us avoid it because
we would rather do more optimizing so the movie plays smoothly at high
quality, instead of having it look jagged. I am surprised your animated gif
played better, but the factors affectinf Flash playback are complicated --
one factor is video rendering, another is calculations such as tweens and
alpha effects.

>ii)Do u suggest to replace the swf file with the animated gif (the swf file
>is 11K compared to 141k for the animated gif)

I would try to simplify the flash, but it depends on the application. Flash
usually looks crisper and is scalable. At 2k per second, a 28k modem user
would wait well over a minute for the gif. Can you afford that? It depends
a lot on what else is going on in the site and whether your visitor is
looking for quick display time.

>Lastly, i forget to mention that my testing is on local computer i.e i did
>not upload it to the server and test the site instead i preview my html in
>my local computer browser. Does this affect the performance ?

File size will affect download time, although a well-planned Flash movie
can be pretty large and still stream well enough that there's very little
wait on the visitor's end. Once the movie or other content has downloaded,
it makes no difference to playback if the download was local, intranet, or

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  FLASH: swf file stop playing, c pm

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