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Subject: FLASH: swf file stop playing
From: c pm
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 07:19:09 +0100

I think you're right. I load the html on another faster computer, both swf
are playing perfectly. However, if i use an animated gif in place of the swf
file, it played all right. now 2 questions:

i) Does it mean that the low end user will not able to see the swf file
playing but a static image? (However, if i turn the 2nd swf file to
autohigh, both played perfectly except some jaged text)

ii)Do u suggest to replace the swf file with the animated gif (the swf file
is 11K compared to 141k for the animated gif)

Lastly, i forget to mention that my testing is on local computer i.e i did
not upload it to the server and test the site instead i preview my html in
my local computer browser. Does this affect the performance ?

Many thanks in advanced
From: dartfrogmedia[SMTP:mailatdartfrogmedia [dot] com]
Reply To: flasheratshocker [dot] com
Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 11:56 AM
To: flasheratshocker [dot] com
Subject: Re: FLASH: swf file stop playing

Possibly because a swf file of 11k, if reasonably well-optimized and making
use of symbols, can contain significantly more animation (more complexity
of changes over a given period of time) than an animated gif. Try exporting
your .swf's to animated .gifs and see if they play any better :-). I'm
pretty sure that the problem you are having is a processor limitation, not
a Flash limitation. Of course John C. is right -- a URL would be more
helpful than speculation.

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  Re: FLASH: swf file stop playing, John Croteau
  Re: FLASH: swf file stop playing, dartfrogmedia

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