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Subject: FLASH: moock f4 detect: another fix
From: Colin Moock
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:16:13 +0100

well, never say something is finished i guess...

a couple of people mailed me saying that their browser was ending up on the
flash 2 page when they had flash 4. a little more testing revealed that the
first get url (for flash 4) was being called correctly, but that on slower
connections the movie kept playing, so subsequent get urls would be executed
and interrupt the retrieval of the document in the first get url. the fix was
to put in version-specific stop actions to prevent the other get urls from
being executed.

the files and tutorial have been updated accordingly. i *hope* that's the
last bit of polish on this detection scheme. the people who reported the
errors now have no problem with the system. if any modem users out there want
to give the detection a try, it would be nice to kick this thing around one
more time.
(click 'try it out' at the bottom of the page)

here are a couple of morals that have arisen from this exercise:
1) if you have actions right at the beginning of your movie, make absolute
sure they will be executed by adding a preloader to your movie.
2) multiple get urls may override each other if they are placed in quick
succession in a movie. use stop actions or actionscript to control the
behaviour of multiple get urls.



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