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Subject: was: Re: FLASH: Flash crash is: Mac troubleshooting
From: Frederico
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 23:51:18 +0100

Some folks have said:

>> >Flash 3 and 4 crash my Mac 4 or 5 times a day.

So, when this happens, what do you do besides just force-quit and
restart? Do you run DFA? Rebuild your DTs? Toss damaged prefs? Inspect
your drives for fragmentation that easily and quickly corrupts VM and
temp files? Or do you just restart and look surprised when it happens
again? I'm sorry to be so snotty about this, but I'm just astonished that
people fail to read the user's manual or seek other forms of free advice
(that works) until they've beaten the System so badly that far more than
simple repairs are required.

Simple fact of the day: A Properly maintained and dressed Mac running
OS8.1 or 8.6 and proven apps will *not* crash! Period! Seriously! Doing
stupid things like quitting applications out of order and launching new
ones without purging the RAM, using RAM allocation improperly, failing to
maintain your System and volumes, or installing conflicting properties
are about all that will crash a Mac these days. Anyone crashing once or
more per week, who is not running alpha, beta, or otherwise unstable apps
(F3/4 are fine, Communicator isn't) isn't using the Mac properly. Mac
feeling wonky? Reboot before you crash, it'll feel better. Happen
frequently? Buy more RAM. Have plenty of RAM? Make sure it's not
defective. Not defective? Adjust cache allocations. Still
sluggish/unstable? Look for SCSI or peripheral conflicts. No conflicts?
Use good utilities to dress your volumes, and use multiple drives and/or
volumes (partitions) to further stablize your System by creating devoted
scratch/VM volumes. Crashes while surfing? Delete your cache, logs, and
history files. Other issues? Think you shouldn't have to do any of this?
Welcome to the world of pro-computing. The day you installed Flash is the
day you asked to have to do the things Pros do.

More advice on request.

(B&W and iMac owners should also check in with Apple
<http://www.apple.com/support> to see if there are new ROM updates, there
have been more than one released)

try this (in order, do not skip anything):

1) Boot from CD or other volume.

2) Delete (or move to Desktop) Finder prefs, Apple Menu Options prefs (or
Be Heirarchic), General Controls prefs, Mac OS prefs, System prefs, Sound
prefs, Appearance Prefs, File Exchange prefs, Flash prefs.

3) *Delete* (not just rebuild) your Desktop DB/DF files (Use a utility
like ResEdit or Trash Desktop 1.2.1, freeware), not TechToolPro or other
replace/rebuilders. Traditional DT rebuilding commands won't work for you
* (don't restart yet)

a) If you own Disk Warrior (if you don't, buy it), use it (at least)
on your System and applications
volume(s), note any errors and repair them. (note: your DTs will rebuild
as each volume is remounted with DW)


b) Run Disk First Aid 8.5.2, note any errors and repair them.


c) Use Drive Setup 1.7.3 to update/repair your disk drivers
(skipping this item is suicide).

5) Restart from CD, zapping PRAM on the way in (CMMD-OPTION-P-R) Allow
DTs to rebuild (4b only).

6) Inspect your volumes for fragmentation. Use a *quality* *optimiser*
(not TechToolPro) to defrag/optimise your files for better use of VM and
scratch files.

7) Select the Flash application icon, do a 'Get Info' (CMMD-I) and
increase the 'Preferred Memory' allocation to not less than 35MB (35000),
more for larger projects. Do not adjust the 'Minimum Memory' setting.

8) Reboot from main System, select MacOS x.x Base from the Extensions
Manager, reboot, turn AppleTalk and Filesharing 'OFF', launch Flash, and
take detailed notes as to exactly what happens, what other apps are open,
and what steps lead to a crash, should they reoccur.

a) If a Flash-only crash occurs, delete the Flash-prefs, repeat
steps 2-6 as needed, increasing memory each time, and/or reducing
extensions load each time, and try eliminating the other open apps until
you see a clear pattern of conflict.

b) If a System-wide crash occurs, repeat steps 1-6, then as in
[9a] and/or completely delete the Flash application, Flash-installed
System items and reinstall.

10) If System-wide crashing persists:

a) perform a clean (preferably virgin) install of the OS to a
separate volume.
b) prior to anything else, duplicate the newly-installed 'Finder',
'System', and 'System Resource' files, put them in a safe place.
c) reboot to the new System, install Flash, increase the memory
prior to launch, and see how it acts there running 'Mac OS x.x Base'
without any other applications installed.
d) if System crashes again, boot from CD, delete 'Finder', 'System',
and 'System Resources' files from the new volume, and replace from the
backups. This, finally, should cure all woes. If it does, you can install
the same files to your original System, and see how it behaves, restore
prefs settings, etc.

11) If this fails, check for proper SCSI termination and conflicts, and
also use FWB Hard Disk toolkit to perform a media-level scan for damaged
sectors (Disk Setup isn't thorough enough). If bad sectors are found,
repeat the steps above, including a clean-install. If no bad sectors are
found, and you've done everthing above, you need a MacGuru.

Please let us know what resolves your problems, or write for more advice
or the address of a MacGuru near you to help you along.


~The problems we have can not be solved by
the same
thinking that created them.~
--Albert Einstein

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  Re: was: Re: FLASH: Flash crash is: Mac , A.R.

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