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Subject: RE: FLASH: fyi: realtime 3D on the web, finally?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 21:38:02 +0100

At 8:46 AM 7/26/0, bdykesates [dot] com wrote:
> I'm very interested in developing for this environment. I've seen a
> few 3D shockwave games like snooker already - how are these made?

Cool. If you're referring to the "RealPool" game on shockwave.com, this is
a *great* realtime 3D renderering engine that drops in to the Shockwave
Player. The output is beautiful.

The developers are at http://www.3dgroove.com/ . I believe that at one time
they were licensing their 3D Xtra for use by others, but I don't see a link
for such contracts at the moment.

There are other people who have created drop-in 3D renderers for Director
too, and folks here at the shop contacted them first... the general
response seems to be relief, because at least some only made 3D engines so
they could deliver the content they wanted to create. Having a standardized
3D engine quickly available to over a hundred million web users can open up
many new businesses.

> is Director lingo used to build these "3D" scripts?

I'm not certain which examples we're talking about... I do know that the
person who coded the Lingo physics engine for RealPool was *very* adept at
scripting. I also know that the first version of Shockwave 3D will be
mainly driven by scripting... you can create a scene in Discreet 3D Studio
Max or other tools, but setting up the interactions will be done through
scripting rather than through a graphical interface.

Scripting skills will be necessary at the start, definitely. Getting the
raw rendering ability is the first step, and after that foundation is laid
then alternate interfaces can be developed atop that.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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