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Subject: Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh.
From: Kurt Dommermuth
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 19:47:55 +0100

I fear I must sound difficult. I apologize if I'm coming off as
antagonistic. I don't mean too.

I guess I've tried to not mention anything that specifically moves me out
of respect for the fact that ultimately "emotionally moving" is subjective.

But since you ask here are a few things that move me and I think are
emotionally packed!

"Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse.
Most anything by Edvard Munch or Francis Bacon.
"American Beauty" directed by Sam Mendes

There are really so many!!!

Or, in relation to Marcelo's piece, I think MC Escher was very clever (a
genius), but not emotionally moving.

Man, this thread has gotten to be way self indulgent on my part. I apologize.


At 11:09 AM 7/28/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm curious, can you offer examples in media other than music that
>"emotionally move" you?
> >>most especially clever, but
> >>is still not emotionally moving.
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  RE: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., JGL

  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., James Goudy

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