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Subject: Re: FLASH: Any reason NOT to use Flash?
From: Frederico
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:07:26 +0100


Without knowing more details, but keying on your words, "downloadable
modules", and "nervous about. . .bandwidth", and, doing frequently what
you are bidding for myself, I'd have to suggest that Flash would only be
a useful element in your production.

Assuming these modules will be used as much for technical manuals as much
as lessons/lectures, the mechanics will have the need/want to print
information for later study, hands-on reference while on/in/under the
vehicle, etc.

While you can do a lovely companion animation about electrical
troubleshooting, a tech will still need the schematic and TSC (trouble
shooting chart) readily at his fingertips. While many up-scale shops have
portable diagnostic assistants (PC's on wheels), many do not, or, it is
inconvenient to use while at task, so, unless you have control of the
viewing methods, you may need to be more flexible and "traditional", and
usually, real-world photos are of more use than animated drawings (though
genuine draftsman prints are as frequently used, and do incorporate well
into Flash/Director/QT).

We find Director, as well as CAD modules to be of the greatest use for
active TSC, also using Flash, as well as basic HTML and PDF, too, but an
awful lot of the most useful visual training is with QT/std.video. Plus,
our work is primarily distributed on CD, though often presentations are
d/l'd in a pinch.

Again, Flash will be useful for many things, such as animating the
hydraulic flow grid of an automatic transmission/transfer case (one of
the most repetitive works in that industry), or simple lessons in
combustion/flow/aspiration/venting/etc, but you will be advised to have
lots of controls for the user to center/reverse/repeat/zoom on a
particular function, and also to be able to print at that point.

As for making them game-like, unless you know for a fact these are
especially inept persons, I wouldn't insult them with a game-like
environment. Most *real* mechanics (not simple parts-changers) are, and
need to be, far more technically savvy than anyone here needs to be to
run Flash. Try readjusting a '98 California Olds for altitude in
Colorado, or running a MARS or SUN diganostic system, or programming a
custom EPROM for better performance, if you want a lesson in how to use
computers. With all due respect, many, if not most of these guys have
been deeper into basic operating language than most of you.

Again, without knowing more about your project, and assuming the use is
for more than just certification courses, my answer is to be taken with
only my own extensive experience as a reference. Contact me directly if
you would like more information about consulting/subcontracting.


NOTICE: US Worst has been losing/delaying my mail for several days now,
if you haven't received a reply to an item sent since 6/1/99, I'm not
ignoring you, please resend via ricoatsciencequest [dot] org

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