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Subject: Re: FLASH: URGENT: Trace Bitmap crashing Flash
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 00:28:24 +0100

> I'm sorry I don't have a proven way to handle this... have other
> listmembers come across a similar situation, have proven tips on how to
> handle a complex tracing that may be damaged...?

I didn't answer this because I didn't have any good solutions, and probably
shouldn't now... but just so you know you're not alone.

This has happened to me twice - once i knew after I hit trace bitmap it was
a mistake and stopped it before it was done and corrupted it. That time the
bitmap happened to be inside a symbol i hadn't placed yet and "select
unused" and deleting them as a group got rid of it (which suggests to me
your dummy idea might work) (although I've been having trouble selecting
unused item since I upgraded to 4.01a - for some reason it just doesn't seem
to select most of them, and I have to do it over and over, save as and
close, and open again and the like). The other time I had to go back to my
last saved version :(

Sorry that's not more help,

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