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Subject: unexpected swf filesize jump
From: Dave Knight
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 15:57:41 +0100

>Dave Smith wrote:
>> MM,
> >Well Ive worked with Flash2 enough to know about making everything a
> >symbol to keep the file size down, but FLash 3 has got me for a loop.
> >I have created a scene that is 11 kb on export and when adding a few
> >frames and exporting again it jumps up to a whooping 59k and Im not
> >using any other symbols or animations!!
>> Is this a known bug with FLash3?
>Scratch that,
>After further study in the export report I found the prob.
>- -DG-

I'm rather interested in what is was that you were doing to your movie to
make it bloat so badly... I'm just getting into flash3 and I'd like to
know about the pitfall before it is underfoot in my neck of the woods.
There's tons of really good information about how to use flash all over the
internet, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find out much about
what flash can do quickly and what slows it down... I want to know about
how it works... how it deals with memory... (yes, I know all about how
raster art slows it down, and how I should use symbols for stuff that comes
up more than once, and all that - I'm looking for stuff that's a bit more
in depth).

For instance: how can I determine if my audience is going to have enough
RAM to keep the movie pace where I want it to be?

Oh, and I have a question for the listers here... what is it that is
happening when I go to a page (I'm on NS3.0 / NT) and instead of just
giving me the swf3 movie, it warns me that I'm downloading potentially
dangerous stuff, so I have to click okay a bunch of times. Then, it warns
me that it is going to launch my swflsh32.exe or whatever it is that my
flash player is called, and proceeds to launch my player as a separate
application to play the movie while netscape cradles the injured website in
the background. Why is it doing this? My only clue: my server did the
same thing to me once when I tried to tell it to serve up a swf without
first configuring the MIME type for swf on the server. It happens to me
everytime I go to the flash discussion group at

This is my first post to the list... I've been around for three weeks or so
by now... so I apologize for all the questions, but we may find these
issues to be helpful to other flashers. My last question: has anybody
else experience serious instability with netscape 3.0 and the flash3
plugin? Since I installed it, netscape never lasts more than ten minutes
before performing an illegal operation - which results in my NT4.0 OS
shutting it down. The plugin isn't beta, is it?

wow. long post. megone.

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  Re: unexpected swf filesize jump, Dave Smith
  Re: unexpected swf filesize jump, John Croteau

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