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Subject: Re: Gradient: Color to Alpha?
From: Matt Gitchell
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:27:19 +0100

Not sure if this went through the first time, so I'm re-posting.
Sorry if ya get this twice
Dave Smith wrote:

> Lookin to find out how this is achieved. Is there a gradient technique
> that fades a color to transparency(alpha)?

Hi Dave,

I'm new to this stuff, too (about 1 month), but I have been frigging with
the gradient transparency stuff lately in my spare moments.

I used it to do a mock lens-flare in my growing "flash sketchbook," the
repository for all kinds of weird ideas I might be able to use later, but
probably won't.

In any case, all you need to do is go to Window>Colors, and your
color-editing thingy comes up.
The thing that works best to get familiaris to create a gradient with two
stages, both the same color. On one of the said colors, slide the alpha
dingus on the right down to 0%. That simple. you can use more of the little
color points for more complex gradients (obviously). Click the "New" button,

and you're good to go.

I've posted my example at http://www.coloradoavalanche.com/matt/xma2.html
but don't expect too much...
Lemme know what you think.

The spinny things at the beginning are using alpha-gradients, as are the
lens-flare jobs. the buttons on the last part don't do anything when you
press 'em, only when you mouseover.

Matt Gitchell
Multimedia Designer (yeeee-haw!)
Navidec, Inc.
mattgatnavidec [dot] com

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  RE: When is Flash 3 shipping?, John Dowdell
  Gradient: Color to Alpha?, Dave Smith

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