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Subject: FLASH: bring to front ...
From: Gavin Prior
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 16:45:51 GMT

Hi all,

The problem;

I have a wall with a hole in the centre. Behind the wall is a circle that
is draggable and goes "behind" the wall. I want to be able to press the
space bar and the circle will be in front of the wall and also draggable in
front of the wall.

What I have done so far;

I have a button (the circle) which is in a movie. I have given the instance
a name; "ball1". This sits in a layer behind the wall. This all works fine
and drags nicely behind the wall with a snap back action on release.

I also have another instance of the circle called "ball 2" which is off the
stage. I have duplicated this and called it "ball 3" with a depth of 10 so
that it sits in front of the wall and is also draggable with the snap back
action and a drop area.


What I can't figure out;

The interaction bit between clicking the spacebar, removing "ball 1" (this
is on a layer so will I have to "hide" it rather than removing?), and then
bringing up "ball 3". It's all there, I just can't get my head around this
one bit.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for listening.

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  Re: FLASH: bring to front ..., Steve Leone
  Re: FLASH: bring to front ..., John Croteau

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