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Subject: Re: FLASH: Button after loading
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 18:34:05 GMT

Hi Manish,

You're doing something peculiar and I cannot quite tell what it is from
your description. Ordinarily, a Flash movie loads continuously until
completely loaded; it should not stop loading just because it hasn't
completed a scene. Even a Stop action does not stop the loading process. I
assume this Flash book is local access (not web). So, unless your movie is
stuffed with many. many megabytes of bitmaps, I'm not sure why loading
would not occur in a few seconds.

Putting everything on the main timeline is certainly an option. You simply
copy over the frames of the scenes to a single scene. You can still place
Stop actions in the main timeline everywhere you want it to pause or to
give a movie clip time to play. To make playback proceed from there, you
can have a single button, always present, in a layer with no keyframes
(except frame 1). The button has the action OnPress (or OnRelease -- your
choice), Play. The backup button can use Go To Previous Frame if you put
each "scene" in a single movie clip that exists in a single keyframe.
Otherwise you will need some ActionScript or a new button instance for each
"scene" (my use of quotes is because it's no longer a real scene). You can
also have an action in the last frame of a movie clip if you want to
advance the timeline automatically when the movie clip has played once;
you'll need TellTarget information. Write us again in that case; TellTarget
takes awhile to understand the first time, but it really is not complex and
once you get it you'll have a very powerful tool that is pretty fundamental
to interactivity in Flash.

It's almost never a good idea to assign actions in button symbols. Apply
them on stage using Instance Properties for the button instance. If a
button will have several instances with the same action, apply the action
to a single instance, then cut and paste the instance (or add a keyframe to
create a new instance of everything on that layer) and the actions will
carry over to the copy.

If for some reason the movie really does take too long to load, you can use
If Frame Is Loaded or Frames Loaded. There are many schemes to do this. One
is to have the navigation buttons in frame 1 of a movie clip, and have a
second frame in that movie clip that is blank. Then use TellTarget to
toggle the clip between frames, making the button appear and disappear. In
Flash4 you could set visibility of the button using Set Properties. More
simply, you could put the buttons in the movie clips of what once were
scenes. Again you'll need TellTarget anytime the action is speaking from
one timeline (for example a movie clip) to another (for example main timeline).

If you have the time to work this out it will boost your Flash knowledge up
a couple of notches. Good luck.

At 09:51 AM 11/04/1999 , you wrote:
>Hi All,
> We just finished a book in flash for a client. It is a single movie with
>8 scenes. The first scene is a loading scene and the rest are the pages.
>I have put a simple back-front navigation button pair to take me through the
>The problem is, the navigation buttons appear before the next scene is
>downloaded and users tend to keep clicking on the next button and nothing
>happens.( I have programmed the button to work only after the next scene has
>been downloaded with if frame is loaded.. SCENE..frame etc in the button
>I tried putting the similar action in the movie symbol of the button, to
>make it have a blank frames loop till the next scene is loaded and then
>appear. What I figure is that the SCENE choice gets disabled in symbols. And
>so I am stuck.
>The scenes have looping movie symbols playing, so I have to put a stop
>action at the end of each scene timeline, so.. putting the if frame is
>loaded on the main time line is not an option.
>How do I execute the simple task of having my buttons appear after the next
>scene is loaded.
>Thanks for any help.

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com).
My Flash Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  FLASH: Button after loading, Manish Buttan

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