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Subject: Re: FLASH: Director7 vs. Flash4
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 21:58:47 GMT


Flash has a small player. It's easy to port, and fast to download. It
starts up very quickly. Flash is unique at immediacy... interfaces...

Shockwave is more extensive, with more media types, more control, more
abilities. It's better for deeper experiences, more control.


There's overlap, sure... both can now do display text chat, assuming you
have a server. Director *comes* with a server, though, and it can transmit
media data and instructions as well as just text. That's one striking
example of the immediacy vs immersive continuum.

Media control is another seachange... Flash streams, and you can now load
movie levels dynamically. Shockwave also streams, but you can link to
individual external files, in a wide variety of formats, and pre-cache them
as desired... you can relink entire libraries on the fly...
programmatically manipulate the library to create new media types on the
fly... use cuepoints to trigger actions as particular long media files
stream in.

Or look at vectors. Director can import SWFs, and layer, scale, zoom and
manipulate each individually on the fly. There's also script control over
the individual points in a curve... shapes can undulate in response to the
mouse, or chart out current stock quotes. (And with the Shockwave
compression, even SWF sprites are smaller than they are on their own in the

There are many differences of degree like these. Thinking of "immediacy vs
immersion" helps give the general idea, though.


For more info, search the technotes with keyword "shockwave AND flash AND
(difference OR differences)", for instance. In general, if you can get your
project done in Flash, then do so. If a particular project cannot be done
in Flash, then give a look at Shockwave.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  FLASH: Shingle, Brian

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