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Subject: Re: FLASH: Let me rephrase my question about Flash and Director
From: RLb131
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 03:16:36 GMT

Hi everyone,

I wanted to respond to this thread, however I believe I could have possibly
missed its beginning.

I am completely new to Flash, came across it and felt it was something I
would like to learn. I do not consider myself a full-fledged computer
expert, but I have been using them for over 10 years and feel I do know quite
a bit; taught myself HTML and have made a few xtra doing pages. As controller
of a large paving corp I seem to have been elected as our 'computer person',
and take care of what I can of the hardware & software. I enjoy that side
away from the numbers.

I always come across something new while using computers, something I need to
spend time learning. I have been using Flash now for only about 2 months, and
have been reading these posts for about the same. My interest is soley for
self enjoyment, and I will post my work on my family's sailing magazine site.
Most of the topics here are beyond my knowledge so far, however I am learning
and sincerely appreciate the knowledge disseminated within this post. I read
most of what is posted and save anything I could use in the future as
reference material.

>From what I have seen there appear to be a lot of people who do this for a
living contributing their time and knowledge both for the benefit of those
who know and those who don't. Hopefully, everyone benefits from the sharing
of the knowledge. I know I sometimes feel like an amatuer, which in Flash I
certainly am, but I was asked to show my brother-in-law how to send email and
I realize that everyone has their levels of experience. I taught him a few
other things and he was totally amazed. "How do you know all this" was his
statement to me. Sure made me feel like a million bucks. Sorry for the
lengthy comment, but I wanted those who freely contribute their knowledge to
know it is appreciated.


>Hi all,

> I am a baby beginner with Flash, but I have been teaching computer graphics
> for years and Branden ... you are right on about the push yourself. The
> single, best reason to teach every chance you get is that you invariably
> learn more than the student. I was early into the computer graphics game and
> was teaching before I should have been. But when you work, you learn what
> you need. To pass it on, you have to cover all the possibilities and
> challenge how you have done things in the past.

> Well worth it all around,

> Wendy

> Actaully, when I got started in flash there wasn't much out there supoort
> wise, I just taught myself and due to my background was able to pick up
> flash very rapidly. Less than a month into the program I was teaching
> others...

> I am very aware of the possibility of over populating the market with flash
> developers, however, in helping people I find that a.) I push myself even
> harder, and thus keep getting better and b.) I get such joy from getting the
> occasional email from a complete stranger thanking me for teaching them
> something new.

> -= Branden J. Hall
> - = Multimedia Developer/Instructor
> -= Fig Leaf Software

> Subject: RE: FLASH: Let me rephrase my question about Flash and Director

> I hear what you are saying Branden but frankly that's not how I think. I
> also get a kick out of helping someone out with a problem, it's a nice
> feeling when you can contribute to someone else's knowledge. But then on
> the other hand I understand where you are coming from where sharing your
> knowledge may increase the numbere of people who are "capable" at flash
> and so in the process overpopulate the market. Making it harder for you
> to charge good rates because any Tom Dick or Harriet can come along and
> say "Oh I know flash, I'll do it for less".

> Maybe I was implying a guilt trip but in the end its your choice and
> feeling guilt or not should have nothing to do with helping or not
> helping someone out. I'll bet that in the beginning when you were also a
> newbie with flash you also asked questions and other people took time
> and effort to help you out. For example my parents have cared for me,
> nurtured me and gone to great lengths to provide the best possible life
> for me, now they are reaching a time in their lives where they also need
> some caring and nurturing. Just because I "don't have time" or "I want
> to make more money" does not mean that I wont make time for them and
> "pay back" what they have given me. Not because it's the right thing to
> do, but because it's a good feeling to repay kindness. It's a sad fact
> that people will not do something if there is no kick back for them.
> There are very few people - and I am not one of them - who will
> selfishly put others before themselves and their jobs to help them out.
> It's a cruel world and it's definitely not fair, but then I am na�ve and
> often blindly believe the world is fair. I feel that the reason why we
> are on this list is to help out new people AND learn from people above
> us, to push the barriers of Flash AND knowledge interaction.

> Give and take... take and give. Never ever give and give. And those who
> take and take are always caught out. Money is not everything and yet we
> are all obsessed with it.

> Paul Watson

> Radio Retail
> Cape Town
> South Africa

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Branden J. Hall [bjhallatelasticx [dot] com (mailto:bjhallatelasticx [dot] com)]
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 8:33 AM
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: RE: FLASH: Let me rephrase my question about Flash and
> Director

> "Just remember everyone was a newbie once and if "professionals" (
> unlike
> myself ) don't have the time to help out newbies then they are being
> very selfish. "

> Sorry man, I have to *totally* disagree with you here. Some of use
> choose
> to help others because we enjoy it, not because its the "right" thing to
> do.
> Knowledge always comes at a price. In this case it costs myself and
> others
> on the list time, and hence quite possibly money to spread knowledge
> about
> flash. If we weren't paying, others would be, by purchasing classes,
> books, etc. It is, in fact, adventageous to a certain extent for me to
> keep
> people from learning flash, since I teach courses about it. I could
> just
> say "Hey, thats covered in the class, come take it to find out" to any
> question that floated my way. I have just chosen to do otherwise.

> I think that J.C., Marc Hoffman, and all of the other list regulars
> would
> agree with me in saying that we help because we like to, not because a
> guilt
> trip.

> -= Branden J. Hall
> -= Multimedia Developer/Instructor
> -= Fig Leaf Software

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