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Subject: RE: FLASH: MM's Flash 4 wish list (re: PC's and Postscript Fonts)
From: Len Harrison
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:21:21 +0100


I brought this up some time ago, but did not pursue the issue beyond a brief
comment after hearing that Flash did not support Postscript Fonts on the PC
under '95 and that NT automatically converted them to TrueType.

I have two machines I use for Flash: at work I'm on NT 4.0 SP 4; at home I'm
in '95 OSR2. Anything I bring home from work includes Myriad Type 1 Multiple
Master fonts in it because we've set that as a corporate standard. This font
and a few others I've played with such as Nuevo and Tekton work fine for me
on both machines. I've also generated new instances of the fonts and had
those work. Someone said something about checking the font through turning
antialiasing text on and off. I do that. It works. Both machines. I'm using
ATM deluxe on both also.

I'm not sure whether I'm confused or "lucky" or doing something right and
different. If it makes a difference my default printers are all Postscript
and I have Acrobat distiller installed with all its assistants. If there's
anyway I can do to help, I'd be glad to. If you'd like to have your coworker
send me a file using Tekton or Nueva or anything from the Freehand group to
see if it works for me, I'd be glad to check. Don't know where we'd take
this next, but that might be a place to start.

len harrison
instructional designer
lenhatabtcorp [dot] com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owneratshocker [dot] com [owneratshocker [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratshocker [dot] com]On Behalf Of Rusty
> Worden
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 1998 1:44 PM
> To: flasheratshocker [dot] com; flasheratshocker [dot] com
> Subject: Re: FLASH: MM's Flash 4 wish list
> Yet another addition to the wish list. How about making the
> PC versions capable of using Post Script fonts. I can't tell
> you how frustrating it is to have to convert things to TT
> fonts. My associate and I are on different machines. He's the
> Mac guru and I am the PC guy. Sadly we cannot exchange files
> between us because he is using the PS fonts and I am using PS
> fonts that have been converted to TT. It still causes
> problems but at least my system doesn't crash anymore.

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  Re: FLASH: MM's Flash 4 wish list, Rusty Worden

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