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Subject: FLASH: screentime problems with NT
From: Andy Cameron
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 01:35:29 +0100

hello all

we have a problem with flash 5 and screentime

we use screentime to make our flash exe into a screensaver

the screensaver has a url link which when clicked launches explorer 5
using geturl

this is the code on the URL link button

on (release) {
fscommand ("quit");

As you see, we call a URL, then quit the screensaver

this works fine on mac OS and win98, but not on NT

On NT it appears that screensavers occupy their own space. This is
what we were told by technical support at macsourcery who make
Unfortunately, we have been unable to come up with a solution
to this problem, which is related to the way Windows NT
incorporates screen savers. Screen savers on NT are opened in
a separate work space as a security feature. When a screen saver
quits, NT hides that work space. Your browser is probably
opening on the screen saver work space, so when the screen saver
quits it is hiding the browser as well

A way round would appear to be to leave screentime running, and have
the browser running in the screentime work space. However, the
browser is behind the screentime/flash projector and therefore

So... we either need a way of bringing the browser to the front, or a
way of calling the browser into the non-screensaver workspace.

This project is late for delivery as a result of this problem and I
would appreciate any help you can give us.

best regards

andy cameron
romandson ltd.

new media labs
University of Westminster Campus
Harrow HA1 3TP
t: + 44 (0)208 357 7367
f: + 44 (0) 208 357 7326
m: + 44 (0) 7989 405 527

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