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Subject: Re: UKNM: Multilingual sites
From: Lee Rickler
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 17:26:51 +0000 (GMT)

>Does anyone have any figures, perhaps from sites they're hosting, on what
>percentage of visitors are using foreign-language browsers, or failing
>that, what percentage of site visitors don't have english as their first
>language (possibly with a breakdown of what language is their first?)

Just as a _very_ basic answer I had a french version of UMD running last

The version francais attracted roughly .01% of the overall traffic.

Not very helpful but true.


* -- leeaturbanmediadesigns [dot] com -- *
* -- urbanmediadesigns.com -- *
* -- djindex.com -- *
* -- summerfestivals.com { closed for the winter } -- *
* -- and soon ... releasethegroove.com -- *

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