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Subject: Re: UKNM: Charity e-fundraising
From: eilis
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 19:39:31 +0000 (GMT)

I've been involved with a couple of voluteer assitance sites and two great
ways for charities getting advice/help on the web is via Volunteer
programs - non-profit sites that put together web pros and charities in
order to produce sites and other web related products.

It might be worth hooking up with





Eilis (Not a lurker - a newbie!)
eilis_kerrateurope [dot] mccann [dot] com
UK Intranet Manager
MCT (Europe) Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Linn <charleslatfoe [dot] co [dot] uk>
To: uk-netmarketingatmail [dot] chinwag [dot] com <uk-netmarketingatmail [dot] chinwag [dot] com>
Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 7:17 PM
Subject: UKNM: Charity e-fundraising

>For all those of you on the list who have worked on charity sites, has anyone
>got any direct experience of, heard any stories or got any thoughts about
>fundraising/membership appeals using email either to a hired list, or as a
>chain letter type affair.
>Obviously I would not like FOE to be accused of spaming or sending out complete
>junk, but I am interested in cold mailing people, especially to draw them into
>issue led fundraising info on our web site.
>Any thoughts
>Charles Linn
>Web Producer
>Friends of the Earth

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