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Subject: UKNM: NMC
From: Tim Hayward
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:13:53 +0000 (GMT)


A new newsgroup for that growing subset of our industry who are total,
shameless cowboys and proud of it.

Get together with like minded bastards, get drunk at other people's NM
pissups and find new ways to stitch up clients.

Enter discussions about ...

Working hours - Is unlimited cheap speed a legitimate way to get 36 hrs
a day out of a programmer?

Exit strategies - Ways of selling a company at a gigantic profit BEFORE
investing in it yourself.

Company cars - Ways of prioritising your Boxster above faster computers
or, indeed, chairs.

Remember...it's a frontier, they should expect cowboys! Yippee-Ki-Yay

Come on, people. It's a small and beleaguered enough industry as it is.
We need subdivision like we need a bag on the hip.

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Email Khalil Ibrahimi khalilatexcitecorp [dot] com (mailto:khalilatexcitecorp [dot] com) to advertise on Excite.
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  Re: UKNM: NMC, Stefan Magdalinski

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