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Subject: Re: UKNM: NMC
From: Sean Phelan
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 19:15:21 +0000 (GMT)

>>Come on, people. It's a small and beleaguered enough industry as it is.
>>We need subdivision like we need a bag on the hip.
>We're doing a special on these ....
>Buy a site ... get a bag on the hip free !!
> Lee

Hm; what about.... second-hand web sites!! Just like cars, they are
only really fresh and leading edge for the first few months, so why
not trade up to a newer model?

And for cash-strapped businesses that don't want to be on the leading
edge, why not save thousands by taking over a used site? I'm sure there
are a number of used website dealers out there who will change the
corporate logo, address and phone numbers... maybe upload a price list
or something like that, and voila!


PS: and before anybody point this out, Multi Media Mapping is proud
to be operating a vintage-1996 user interface; we would never dream of
trying to outshine our truly creative and leading-edge clients :-)

Sean Phelan seanatmultimap [dot] com http://www.multimap.com
phone (within UK): 0171 433 0460 fax (UK): 0171 209 5194
phone (Int'l): +44 171 433 0460 fax: +44 171 209 5194
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  Re: UKNM: NMC, Lee Rickler

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