
The Great Data Debate

The IAB B2B Council will be running a Webcast around the motion ‘The Great Data Debate: The Days of Buying/Renting Lists Are Dead’ with speakers from client, agency and data owner side as well as with the involvement of the chair of the IAB Lead Generation Council. Ask questions, participate in votes and learn what is working for other marketers.

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Date: 2 November 2010
Location: The webcast will be available at, UK

Millennials & The Social Media Explosion

This MusicTank seminar will lift the lid on the social media phenomenon and reveal how rights holders can better engage with this social space and make sense of its increasingly complex future.

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Date: 7 July 2009
Location: The Basement, PRS for Music,, UK

Advertising Woes? - aftermath

Chinwag Live: Advertising Woes? There's no sign of 2009 looking anything like a tough year for advertisers. In spite of this the panel at Chinwag Live: Advertising Woes? managed to find plenty of positives alongside the gloomier news.

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Chinwag Live: Peering Forward To 2012

Debate at Chinwag LiveWhat does 2012 hold? Apart from the Olympic blame game (a mutual game of blamestorm over the late delivery of transport/venues/etc) that is.

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