Chinwag Live: Peering Forward To 2012

Debate at Chinwag LiveWhat does 2012 hold? Apart from the Olympic blame game (a mutual game of blamestorm over the late delivery of transport/venues/etc) that is.

It's hard enough looking ahead to the next couple of months let alone peering five years into the future. Will advertising still exist? Will the mobile web finally have come to fruition? Will anyone still be talking about social media, life streams, digital lifestyle aggregators or any of the other terms that make such juicy buzzword bingo?

As 2007 draws to a close, it seemed like a good a time as any to delve into this and try and make some predictions. Verily, the next "Chinwag Live: Xmas Futures, Crystal Balls?" was born. It's taking place on the 5th Dec, downstairs at The Slug and Lettuce on Wardour Street in London and there's a top deal on tickets if you book early.

Full details of the event, booking information and the panel are available at Chinwag Live. Why not join the debate and we'll see if we can figure this out? We'd love to see you there.