Digital PR , Web 2.0 & Tameside as a Digital Destination

Event Info

Wed 18 Jun, 2008 from 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Stalybridge Civic Hall
Trinity Street, Stalybridge
Tameside, SK15 2BN, UK


Now consumers have a voice – and they are using it! Blogs, social networking tools and user-published video are making us all rethink the digital world around us. Web 2.0 is a catch-all term describing the ‘new wave’ of internet tools that enable people to interact with each other via the web.

Tameside has long been a Centre of Excellence in new technologies, leading e‑Government & e-business initiatives. Wireless connectivity across the borough could transform the ways we learn, work & play. The Tameside wireless cloud is on the way!

Tameside Wireless Cloud

In this session Norman Crawford, Head of ICT for TMBC will provide background to the initiative and provide answers to the following questions:

* What is the cloud?
* How can it help my business?
* When will the cloud arrive?
* How can I tap into the cloud?

Digital PR, Web 2.0 & the Business Applications of Social Networking

In this session David Bird, Senior Lecturer at MMU Business School will be addressing Digital PR & Communication Techniques. He will discuss the latest trends in Digital Marketing & the impact of Social Networking tools.

YouTube, Facebook, Bebo & MySpace are having a major impact on internet (and search) traffic. It’s no longer a fad – but a mainstream force to be taken seriously – and with widespread social implications. David will touch on the privacy issues of the new targeting techniques and technologies bringing location-specific & customer-centred mobile-video advertising to a handset near you!

Tameside is maintaining its Beacon role by bringing together key speakers to share their experiences with businesses across Tameside and surrounding areas.



Manchester Digital