Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's Neo4j Tutorial

Event Info

Wed 28 - Thu 29 Mar, 2012 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Skills Matter eXchange
116-120 Goswell Road
London, EC1V 7DP, UK (Map)
Cost: £985.00 if booked before 27-01-12 , £1095 thereafter


Graph databases like Neo4j are an esoteric and powerful member of the NoSQL family. For highly connected data, graph databases can be thousands of times faster than relational databases, making Neo4j popular for managing complex data across many domains from finance to social, and telecoms to geospatial.

Join Jim Webber and Ian Robinson, authors of the popular REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture book and gain an understanding of the Neo4j Fundamentals and Architecture, the Neo4j tool chain and core API and Indexing. Learn how to use the Neo4j Traverser API and declarative querying, about Graph algorithms, Pattern matching, Alternative Language Bindings, the The Neo4j REST API and using the database from non-JVM platforms. In this 2-day workshop, we'll also cover the Spring Data Graph and we'll discuss a solutions architecture, using Neo4j in large systems.



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