Progressive F# Tutorials 2013 NYC
Event Info
Skills Matter's Progressive F# Tutorials' conference is returning to NYC on September 18-19th, bringing together the leading experts in F#. The conference will open with a keynote by Don Syme (father of F#) followed by several 4-hour long hands-on tutorials by some of the top experts in the F# world, including Tomas Petricek, Richard Minerich and Adam Mlocek (StatFactory), Miguel de Icaza (Founder of GNOME and Mono projects), Phil Trelford (Founder of the F# Software Foundation) and others.
The conference will feature both a 'beginners' and an 'advanced' (meaty) track, so whether you are just getting started or are well up to speed with F#, you will be able to learn and share skills with some of the top people in the F# world (bring your laptop!)
Find more information about the conference, speakers and program here:
or follow #progfsharpnyc on twitter!