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Subject: Re: FLASH: rollover oddity
From: Byron Canfield
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:48:42 GMT

At 12:46 PM 1/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>On 1/12/99, Byron Canfield wrote:
>(but charlene wrote the ---> comments)
>--->yes. I want the viewer to get the explaination of what they will find
>if they click on the link before they actually click on it so that they
>will know if they want to click on it or not.

That's what the "over" state is for. It can contain graphics that appear
anywhere on the stage (or off the stage, for that matter, but that wouldn't
do much good) only when the cursor is over the button, without any need to
change to another scene. If your concern is "muting", or making less
visible, the other buttons on the stage, you can use that same over state
to lay a black layer with an alpha setting over the top of everything
except the text that explains the what clicking the button will do.

>--->sorry about that.

No problem. Confusion is just a state of mind -- and an occupational hazard.
>--->I want the movie to change scenes and interact with the user as they
>explore the home page -
>however, the willy-nilly part is what I'd like to eliminate. Do you know
>of a way to make the rollover happen only after the mouse has stopped for a
>full second or two?

Instead of deploying the "explanation" graphics (but probably in addition
to a "repeat" of the graphics in the Up state, perhaps with minor
modification, say color) in the over state keyframe, which would appear
immediately on mouseover, you could use a tell target for that instance of
the button, which targets a movie clip with a delay built into it. The
movie clip would then contain the explanation text.
>--->since I am only using frame 1 in every scene would I really need to
>create a label?
>Its not like I would get it mixed up if I deleted some frames. What would
>the advantage be?

Whether YOU would get mixed up is not the issue -- only you can judge that
:). The problem is that sometimes Flash gets mixed up, and distinct labels
are a way to prevent that.
>--->did that too, and now OOPS the rollovers don't work at all and the hit
>frame flashed until I discovered to change the"loop" to "single frame"

Yes, that's what I meant (though failed to explicitly say) with "...choose
which of the three button keyframes to display (up, over, or down)."

>But watching the flashing hit areas when I moused out showed me that what
>happens when I mouse out is that the scene leaves the "stop" action and
>plays the same scene again and then stops at the last frame where I have
>the stop action.
>I tried adding a "go to" ... "mouse out" but it doesn't work. How do I do

I'm not sure I follow you (in fact, I'm nearly certain I don't).

Byron Canfield, Canfield Studios (http://www.byronc.com)
President, Seattle Coreldraw Artists Network (http://www.corelsea.org)

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  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese

  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, CMAIII
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese

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