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Subject: Re: FLASH: rollover oddity
From: Charlene Reese
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 01:14:03 GMT

On 1/12/99, Byron Canfield wrote:
>At 12:46 PM 1/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>On 1/12/99, Byron Canfield wrote:
>>(but charlene wrote the ---> comments)

...If your concern is "muting", or making less
>visible, the other buttons on the stage, you can use that same over state
>to lay a black layer with an alpha setting over the top of everything
>except the text that explains the what clicking the button will do.
--->yes that was my concern, however, I don't want the black layer over the
background photo image.
so do you think I could copy all those other graphics and put them in the
rollover state? or would their individual alpha settings be lost. I'm
using 2 different ones. The red stuff is 35% and the purple needs to be 55%

>>--->I want the movie to change scenes and interact with the user as they
>>explore the home page -...
Do you know
>>of a way to make the rollover happen only after the mouse has stopped for a
>>full second or two?
>Instead of deploying the "explanation" graphics (but probably in addition
>to a "repeat" of the graphics in the Up state, perhaps with minor
>modification, say color) in the over state keyframe, which would appear
>immediately on mouseover, you could use a tell target for that instance of
>the button, which targets a movie clip with a delay built into it. The
>movie clip would then contain the explanation text.
--->oh gee would I really have to do all that? And I'm not sure that would
work - lets say the viewer rolls over one of the buttons and keeps going to
another - would that first one still be triggered but just have a delay and
then go to the second one anyway? I'm trying to prevent any sort of
triggering of the rollover if the mouse just keeps going.

>>--->since I am only using frame 1 in every scene would I really need to
>>create a label?
>>Its not like I would get it mixed up if I deleted some frames. What would
>>the advantage be?
>Whether YOU would get mixed up is not the issue -- only you can judge that
>:). The problem is that sometimes Flash gets mixed up, and distinct labels
>are a way to prevent that.
--->OK will try it. was assuming that FLASH would not get mixed up if I didn't

>>But watching the flashing hit areas when I moused out showed me that what
>>happens when I mouse out is that the scene leaves the "stop" action and
>>plays the same scene again and then stops at the last frame where I have
>>the stop action.
>>I tried adding a "go to" ... "mouse out" but it doesn't work. How do I do
>I'm not sure I follow you (in fact, I'm nearly certain I don't).
--->Ok, so I don't think I'm mixed up but I'm very good at getting other
people mixed up aren't I?
scene 1 plays 6 frames and stops on6
a button triggers scene 2 which plays and stops on frame 6 of scene 2
rolling off of the button in scene two just returns to the beginning of
scene 2 and not to
the beginning of scene 1.

I think I'm trying to do a director play and play done but am lost in the
twilight zone.


Charlene Reese - S r T e U e D s I e O
Digital Graphic Design for Print, Multimedia and the Web
catreesestudio [dot] net http://www.reesestudio.net

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  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield

  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, CMAIII
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield

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