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Subject: Re: FLASH: rollover oddity
From: Byron Canfield
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 04:58:01 GMT

I know you won't want to hear this, but I think you should start over --
keep the old version, though, so you can drag items from the library.

I think what you're trying to do could all be done in one scene, in
combination with tell-targeting a few movie clips.

At this point, it's getting so complex that it's difficult to deal with in

At 05:20 PM 1/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>--->yes that was my concern, however, I don't want the black layer over the
>background photo image.
>so do you think I could copy all those other graphics and put them in the
>rollover state? or would their individual alpha settings be lost. I'm
>using 2 different ones. The red stuff is 35% and the purple needs to be 55%

There are a couple things you could do, but in either case, the "real"
button images would have to have THEIR alpha settings bumped back up to
100. One would be to copy all those graphics into the over state, and
change the instance of each to Graphic | Single Frame | frame 1, and set a
Color Effect | Tint of Black with an Alpha of 65% or 45%, respectively. The
photo would not show through the text, but the text would be quite dark, so
it would not be noticeable. The other method, now that I think about it, is
more circuitous, rather tedius, and for that much text, too inflexible to
even consider.
>--->oh gee would I really have to do all that? And I'm not sure that would
>work - lets say the viewer rolls over one of the buttons and keeps going to
>another - would that first one still be triggered but just have a delay and
>then go to the second one anyway? I'm trying to prevent any sort of
>triggering of the rollover if the mouse just keeps going.

You're not preventing it with the method you're using now. Part of the
problem with the current scenario is that the roll-over triggers a scene
change. But the roll-out is not always perceived as such by the new scene.
>--->OK will try it. was assuming that FLASH would not get mixed up if I
>--->Ok, so I don't think I'm mixed up but I'm very good at getting other
>people mixed up aren't I?
>scene 1 plays 6 frames and stops on6
>a button triggers scene 2 which plays and stops on frame 6 of scene 2
>rolling off of the button in scene two just returns to the beginning of
>scene 2 and not to
>the beginning of scene 1.

I'm not even clear why more than one frame is necessary -- there's no
animation at all, and you don't need it for bringing in movie clips because
you aren't using any, at present.
>I think I'm trying to do a director play and play done but am lost in the
>twilight zone.


Byron Canfield, Canfield Studios (http://www.byronc.com)
President, Seattle Coreldraw Artists Network (http://www.corelsea.org)

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  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese

  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, CMAIII
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese

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