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Subject: Re: FLASH: rollover oddity
From: Charlene Reese
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:36:56 GMT

On 1/12/99, Byron Canfield wrote:
>I know you won't want to hear this, but I think you should start over --
>keep the old version, though, so you can drag items from the library.
>I think what you're trying to do could all be done in one scene, in
>combination with tell-targeting a few movie clips.
--->well thats exactly what I did last night is start over.
I put everything back into just one scene and put the rollover explanation
text in the rollover state of the button and to heck with making everything
else an alpha 35%. I'll try that effect again later when I'm more
experienced with flash. I did learn a lot though and appreciate everyone's
help very much.

The rollover states are much more resoponsive and the file size went from
44k to 27k.

Guess my next lesson should be on how to make a movie clip and use
tell-target huh?

Thanks Byron,

Charlene Reese - S r T e U e D s I e O
Digital Graphic Design for Print, Multimedia and the Web
catreesestudio [dot] net http://www.reesestudio.net

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  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, CMAIII
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield

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