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Subject: Re: FLASH: rollover oddity
From: Charlene Reese
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:36:55 GMT

On 1/12/99, Byron Canfield wrote:

>>--->Ok, so I don't think I'm mixed up but I'm very good at getting other
>>people mixed up aren't I?
>>scene 1 plays 6 frames and stops on6
>>a button triggers scene 2 which plays and stops on frame 6 of scene 2
>>rolling off of the button in scene two just returns to the beginning of
>>scene 2 and not to
>>the beginning of scene 1.
>I'm not even clear why more than one frame is necessary -- there's no
>animation at all,
--->ah ha. you are right. but I was planning on adding some if I could
get this to work right.
>>I think I'm trying to do a director play and play done but am lost in the
>>twilight zone.

So before I ever try this again. Is there a way to do a "play" and
playdone" like in director in Flash?
And if so, what is it called?


Charlene Reese - S r T e U e D s I e O
Digital Graphic Design for Print, Multimedia and the Web
catreesestudio [dot] net http://www.reesestudio.net

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  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield

  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Charlene Reese
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, CMAIII
  Re: FLASH: rollover oddity, Byron Canfield

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