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Subject: Re: FLASH: Load Movie Problem
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 22:28:56 +0100

Hi Marc,

> be called at random by the user. Then, rather than make the user wait for
> the entire download in order to get to a chunk of content, you might break
> it into separate movies. These movies will lose the benefit of sharing a
> library of symbols, so there's a disadvantage. But you can then let the
> user manage the order of download, and often you can try to sneak in a few
> movie downloads while the user is busy with something else.

Has anyone tried the 'target' option for Load Movie from Flash 4?

> Target specifies a movie clip that you want the loaded movie to replace. If
> you use Target, the movie that you loaded inherits the position, rotation,
> and scale properties of the targeted movie clip.

I'm a little confused by this new option and wondering if the new movie then
does actually share the library and also does it load onto a new level or
not? If not, then the mac/msie 4.5 thing wouldn't be a problem? I'm not sure
how exactly this differs from replacing one movie clip with another within
the same movie? I don't know, I'm just kind of confused :) Any information

Also, something a little strange... I was using the trial version of Flash
4, and went ahead and bought the electronic download (upgraded the trial as
it were) today. My default browser is set to NN (I'm on a mac, what can I
say ;) and using the trial, the help files came up in NN, but now that I
actually own it, the help files are coming up in MSIE and I can't really
figure out why...


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  Re: FLASH: Load Movie Problem, John Croteau

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