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Subject: Re: FLASH: I'm looking for good Flash examples
From: David Gary
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 20:56:03 +0100


Robert Warnke wrote:

 Hi,I 'm looking for good Flash examples. I 'll teach Flash next week.I 'll discuss about a good user interfaces with Flash. I think it is possible but I found only bad examples until now (see the Macromedia examples).A good user interface is for me:- NO time delays or animation between the interactivities. This is very impolite!- The user have every time the full control over his browser. This mean he can stop animation or change to no Flash sides every time if he like.If you have examples with such behaviour please send me an email with the address.

Thank you

Robert Warnke
Hiya Robert,

It seems from your post the only thing you'd be teaching about FLash, is not to use it.

Most efficient designs created in Flash are for "Eye-candy" type sites. This includes
game, promotional , entertainment and personal sites.

In a 28.8 baud world your going to be waiting. From experience, Intros, loading animation indicators, are a "must" when designing a fairly large Flash site.

Streaming animation is Flash's greatest power. To say you dont want  time delays or animations leaves the viewer waiting and watching a blank screen while the interface loads. We are talking web design arent we. The data has to travel through a little box called a modem.=8>).

No one wants to wait for graphics to load. But at this time in the Internet's evolution,
the majority of viewers are still at 28.8.  THats what I test on and design for.

I agree that if animation is not needed to keep the viewer's attention while it loads the site's interface, then in some cases this is probably the way to go, but it also depends
on the basis of the site and what the creator is trying to convey.

I also think that if the site is mostly information content instead of entertainment or advertising, Flash my not be the way to go. It might be a good idea in your "teaching" of Flash to always give the viewer a "text" only link.

Most of the basic HTML sites carrying graphics remind me of an elephant giving birth
while waiting to load. Flash loads graphics much more efficient and the streaming capabilities let it automatically throw something up in front of the viewer.

YOu want to talk about impolite, How about waiting for a 300kb file of someone's
flea-ridden cat to load up on their "Enter" page. Now thats impolite! =8>)-

To try to "teach" flash without outlining its greatest capabilities and advantages,
would be impractical and not fair to your students.

The bottom line is: I hope you have enough experience using Flash to be able to
teach what ALL the options are instead of what seems like you personal opinion.




  AW: FLASH: I'm looking for good Flash ex, Robert Warnke

  FLASH: I'm looking for good Flash exampl, Robert Warnke

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