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Subject: Re: FLASH: BIGNAME Media Co., Inc.
From: Kristopher Wainwright
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 20:27:51 +0100

I hate saying this but it sounds like this client has
no clue on the capabilities of Flash and/or has no
clue what they want.

I would sit them down and explain to them that it
would be easier to make the animations and then SHOW
them how it would look/feel and see what their
response is.

I've found that the best way to impress someone it to
let them see it for themselves. Give them an example
of what you can do for them (make a quick and easy for
them to play with while you're in front of them, or
have it ready for a meeting with them). Once they
understand what they need or want, you can help direct
them in the right direction ..... and that couold be
you :-)

(Or you can pretend you're training a mule, smack them
in the forehead with a two by four board to get their
attention and go from their .... ;-) hehehe)

Kris Sends .....

(P.S. ....No mules were hurt in the making of this

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  FLASH: (OT)Javascript new.window require, peter hagerty

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