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Subject: RE: FLASH: is it just me? (is: F5 impressions)
From: EchoDotCom
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 21:07:37 +0100


thank you! it means a great deal to know that people from MM actually care
enough to come out into the community (you are from MM aren't you? I noticed
other MM people here, but you don't have it in your sig... um, you have no
Sig... ) anyway. to address....

you wrote:

>>>>Are there any keyboard shortcuts that are particularly getting your
Right now I'm trying to track impressions so this can be useful info,

I have made quite a few changes, but I don't recall what now. it has been a
whole day you know. anyway, I like that the command keys can be
customized... I just think that a flash4 set might be nice :o)

>>>>I'm not sure what the difference in frame-copying is that you're seeing,
but would be interested in learning more, thanks... fwiw, the prefs do
contain an option for F4-like timeline work; does this give you what you

No, I have flash4 frame action set, and although it is easier to understand
with the frame markers looking like I am familiar, I still have a hard time
copying keyframes using the (alt)drag method (used to be ctrl-drag). I think
it is a matter of refinement, so I should get used to it, I just was
questioning the reason for it.

> placing of keyframes with f6 and blanks with f7 - Cumbersome,
> or may not work at all...
> I can't seem to click an object and hit F8 to make a symbol... why?
> I can't seem to Paste in Place with a shift-ctrl-V ... why?

>>>>>>>>>I'm able to do all, and don't currently have a plausible way to not
these... my best guess is perhaps a focus issue, but I realize that's a
weak guess.<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I don't know either, I click on a object, and hit F8 to make a symbol, and
nothing happens, I change pointers and try again, still nothing. I go in,
and edit the command shortcuts, and force F8 as make new symbol and it works
fine. in fact that seems to be the problem in a lot of my rants. after I
rebuilt my command keys, things started working more the way I wanted them
too.. again, a flash4 stock set would be good.

>>>>>>>>>>>Double-clicking a symbol in F4 called up a modal properties
dialog. In F5
these properties are now exposed to selection-sensitive Inspectors, similar
to what FreeHand introduced with Virtuoso back in 1992.<<<<<<<<<<<

Oh, I didn't think of that, I guess it never occurred to me :oP is there any
way to set up a hot key set (like hold control-shift and double click) to
make it open in a new window?

>>>>>>The ActionScript editor seems to particularly catch people now... you
longer need to doubleclick to script. I often keep my script editor closed
and invoke it when needed via the Launcher bar in the document window, or
via CTRL-ALT-A on PC, CMD-OPT-A on Mac.

For the editing you wish to do, have you checked the hierarchy bar at the
top, for whether it's the scene, group or a particular symbol that's being
edited? You can also context-click to edit in a new window. (I fear I may
be missing the core issue though.) <<<<<<<<<

actually I like the editor, and I suppose I will get the hang of it as soon
as I relearn action script (drags feet, only learned f4 action script in the
last 4 months, why should I mind starting over :o�

Hey!!! thanks again for your input!


PS I returned my Command set back to Flash 5 and everything is working fine
now, I went through all my menus and things are how they are supposed to
be... I don't know why the last time I started my Flash 5 it had the menus
all screwed up. the only thing I did was reboot (my illustrator crashed..
typical) and thought (lets try) and now it is working just fine... so I
suppose FYI there may be a problem with the menus not loading the custom key
files correctly 100% of the time???


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  Re: FLASH: is it just me? (is: F5 impre, John Dowdell

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