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Subject: Re: UKNM: plug-in take up/stats
From: Steve Mynott
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:37:16 +0100

Plugins in general and shockwave/flash in particular is used for one
valid purpose only - to impress the web-ignorant client in the New Media
agency office.

Most people will see an ugly grey square and an annoying message to
change their system setup.

Why should anyone bother to do that, since there are plenty of other
pages on the web to browse?

The web is not a CDROM.

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott steveattightrope [dot] demon [dot] co [dot] uk http://www.pineal.com/
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  Re: UKNM: plug-in take up/stats, Tomski

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