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Subject: RE: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM
From: Tony Newland
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 11:27:29 +0100

This raises some important points, which from and advertising sales
perspective has serious implications...
A brief case study (mine) which may or may not provoke empathy and
understanding for us poor sales managers out here, but might give another
dimension to the debate.

Having come from a print publishing background of some years I found that
all my previous friends and contact I had so lovingly built up out there
were no longer the people whom I dealt with WRT online advertising. I
therefore faced something akin to starting my career over again...gnurhh!
This is by the by and is intended to give you a laugh on a Monday morning.

My experience however is that I have been speaking and introducing myself to
completely new people, both direct and agency staff. I rely on gatekeepers
in a real sense to inform me of agency policy about contact before I
actually speak to the planner/buyers themselves.

Notoriously and understandably busy, it is sometimes difficult to contact
planners personally. I prepared a brief intro letter from myself and phoned
around saying an initial hi before I emailed. In the instances where the
person was not available (believe me, after three phone calls trying to
catch people when they're not in meetings/not heard of you before there
comes a point where one does not want to appear a twit. ;-) I asked a
relevant person whether a) it would be okay to email them a (v brief) intro
letter from myself, and b) IF SO, could I have that persons email address.

Only in two instances was I told that this would not be alright and
therefore did not. In all other cases I was told it would be okay and was
freely given that person's email address. 70% of the people subsequently
contacted were fine about this. 30% were not and I had to do a lot of
explaining and instantly coloured the start of a relationship. 'Permission
Marketing' was mentioned quite a few times which is completely acceptable
and understandable.

However, and this is the punch line, from my perspective I already spoke to
either the gatekeeper or in some cases a close colleague who had already
assured me it was okay. Having had my fingers burnt I no longer email ANYONE
without express permission from them which I am totally happy about.

The individuals who did not appreciate getting emails from me are still
getting emails from other people (presumably) and having the same response,
due in part to (perhaps a little bit green) advertising execs but also due
to the agency etc not having an express policy with either gatekeepers or
colleagues about giving permission on other people's behalf and not giving
out their email addresses. My contacts are my customers as well as my

Bit of a rant but salient points I think, as these things do inevitably
colour relationships.

The question I would like to ask is:

Did I spam these people?



> Tony Newland
> Advertising & Sponsorship Manager
> Rainbow Network Plc
> phone: 0207 278 1105
> fax: 0207 713 7732
> web: http://www.rainbownetwork.com
> Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the author only and do
not necessarily represent the views of RAINBOW NETWORK PLC.


Ponder this. You're a busy exec, buy a raffle ticket (for charity of
course)but you're so busy that all you write on the butt is your name and
place of work. I track you down and ring your place of work. You've got a
great gatekeeper and I can't talk to you but I can't reveal the purpose of
my call in case of fraudland claim. Time's awasting, prize must be claimed
so I send you an email indicating that I have something that may be of great
interest to you. Email not requested, permission given by proxy... SPAM OR

Forgive my ignorance, I come from a land downunder where SPAM is not high on
the agenda. Nothing much is, except for rugby, but, as they say... when in


Wounded All Black

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  Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM, will rowan
  Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM, Adam Atkinson

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