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Subject: UKNM: Cannes Cyber Lion Grand Prix winner
From: Steve Bowbrick
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 18:52:54 +0100

According to Ad Age, the 'Cyber Lion' Grand Prix for interactive
advertising - the top prize in a new Cannes category otherwise dominated by
US agencies - went to http://www.frankherholdt.co.uk, a modest site for a
photographer from the UK's Hub Communications.

Puzzling choice?



BTW, if you can find the page of links to other Cyber Lion winners
mentioned in the article which is supposed to be somewhere at

http://www.pathfinder.com/ I will buy you a drink!
Steve Bowbrick Webmedia Group
0171 494 3177 0468 257 570

http://www.webmedia.com/steve steveatwebmedia [dot] com (mailto:steveatwebmedia [dot] com)

  RE: UKNM: Cannes Cyber Lion Grand Prix w, Robert Hamilton

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