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Subject: Re: UKNM: State of The Nation 2 - Total rant but worth reading.
From: Craig Pickup
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 16:43:03 +0100

Lee Rickler wrote:

> I think that it's about time that a body/ federation was set up, oi ...
> stop groaning at the back, that would stop this abuse.
> I think that this industry needs to kick itself up the arse, stop
> thinking about how much money it's gonna make and how little time it's
> gonna take to make the money, and start showing it's professional wares.
> I mean, there's even a Professional Window Cleaners Federation for god
> sake !!!
> So why not us ?

Moves are already afoot to organise such a professional body. Watch this space
for more details over the next week or two! In the meantime if any one has a
particular interest in being involved in developing the initiative please let me

Craig Pickup

  RE: UKNM: State of The Nation 2 - Total , Robin Grant

  UKNM: State of The Nation 2 - Total rant, Lee Rickler

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