

Death of the Social Media Guru

No More Gurus by Ilana Fox

As a result of organisations becoming increasingly aware of the burgeoning power of social media and consequentially seeking to grow their online presence, a new breed of candidate has emerged.

The self-proclaimed ‘social media guru’, but with no bench mark set to aspire to and no qualifications to back up this status, couldn't anyone call themselves a Social Media Guru? And what effect will this have upon the industry as a whole?

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Conversion Optimisation

If you’re spending money on driving people to your website, you need to make sure your landing pages are working hard to squeeze every last drop of business out of your visitors.

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Date: 23 March 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Conversion Optimisation Training

If you’re spending money on driving people to your website, you need to make sure your landing pages are working hard to squeeze every last drop of business out of your visitors.

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Date: 23 February 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

SEO Fundamentals Training

A solid understanding of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential if you own, manage, create or buy websites. By avoiding common mistakes and ensuring you follow Google best practice, you’ll start to discover that gaining traffic from organic listings isn’t as hard as you thought.

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Date: 22 February 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

SEO Fundamentals Training

A solid understanding of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential if you own, manage, create or buy websites

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Date: 22 March 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google Analytics 201

This is our intermediate Google Analytics Training, run by Google Analytics Certified Trainers. Delve deeper into the workings of Google Analytics for valuable insights into your visitors.

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Date: 18 May 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google Analytics 101

This is our foundation course in Google Analytics, run by Google Analytics Certified Trainers at our central London offices. Learn the basics of web analytics and how to use Google Analytics to gain valuable, actionable insights into your website visitors, which will help you make business decisions based on real data, not opinion

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Date: 17 May 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google AdWords 301

This is our most advanced AdWords course and is designed for seasoned advertisers looking for the most advanced and in-depth optimization tools and techniques to achieve their advertising goals. AdWords 301, held in London, will take you beyond the basics into more complex strategies that will ensure long-term AdWords success.

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Date: 26 May 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google AdWords 201

The AdWords 201 class follows on nicely from the basic lessons introduced in AdWords 101. Now that you know how AdWords works, we move you on to optimising your campaigns, how to diagnose problems and how to make changes that will have a positive impact on your campaigns.

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Date: 25 May 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google AdWords 101

This is our one-day Google AdWords foundation course, held in London. It covers the fundamentals of advertising with Google AdWords, with a view to getting those who are new to AdWords, or who have never had AdWords training, up to speed. The course looks at the strategies, tools and techniques used to achieve successful AdWords campaigns.

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Date: 24 May 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google AdWords 301 Training

This is our most advanced AdWords course and is designed for seasoned advertisers looking for the most advanced and in-depth optimization tools and techniques to achieve their advertising goals.

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Date: 10 March 2011
Location: Walmar House, UK

Conversion Optimisation Training

If you’re spending money on driving people to your website, you need to make sure your landing pages are working hard to squeeze every last drop of business out of your visitors.

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Date: 23 February 2010
Location: Walmar House, UK

SEO Fundamentals Training

A solid understanding of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential if you own, manage, create or buy websites. By avoiding common mistakes and ensuring you follow Google best practice, you’ll start to discover that gaining traffic from organic listings isn’t as hard as you thought.

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Date: 22 February 2010
Location: Walmar House, UK

Complete Introduction to Online Marketing Training

This is user-friendly and non-technical look at finding new customers and marketing your business online.

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Date: 17 February 2010
Location: Walmar House, UK

Google Analytics 201

This is the follow-up to our Google Analytics Introduction course, and focuses more on technical implementation and configuration. If you are going to use Google Analytics data to make changes to your business, you need to make sure that data is accurate.

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Date: 16 February 2010
Location: Walmar House, UK