Social Media Week London 2011 - Register Interest
Thanks for your interest in Social Media Week London
(7-11th Feb, 2011), your input is much appreciated.
Business, Marketing & Comms Events
This form is designed to gather your interest in taking part in the two agency-focused strands of Social Media Week London:
- Social Media Breakfast Briefings (daily)
- Agency Open House (Wed, 9th Feb 2-5pm)
There's also a section to put forward a tool or expert for the Social Media Week Measurement Challenge (see below) if this is your bag. Please note, although we'll hope you'll be able to commit to events now, we do appreciate that things change quickly in this business and there'll be as much flexibility as possible in the scheduling of events.
For more information about these events, check out the briefing document (you may have already received this via email):
N.B. This information will be collated before it's published on the Social Media Week London website or Chinwag.
For any urgent queries smwchinwag [dot] com (contact us via email) or call +44 (0)20 7183 2923. We're getting rather a lot of emails, so bear with us, we will get back to you.